Review 7/13/2010
I had applied to LiveOps several months ago, but later changed my mind and decided not to complete the process, due to the number of negative reviews I had read, suggesting deceptive company practices. My main concern was the fact that I had an outstanding student loan that I was paying off. I decided to contact LiveOps via email to ask if student loans were considered in their debt calculations. As most companies allow certain exclusions such as student loans and medical bills within credit checks, I wanted to know what LiveOps policy was before handing over a $50.00 application fee. I received an email from LiveOps which advised me to contact First Advantage stating that they would make that determination. Upon contacting First Advantage I was advised that they had no idea why LiveOps would refer me to them. The representative stated that LiveOps would be the ones to decide if they would consider student loans in the passing of their credit check. Since I could not appear to get a straight answer to this question, I decided to complete my application and pay the fee for the credit check. Needless to say, I shortly received an email from LiveOps which stated I failed. Upon contacting First Advantage I was told that I had failed due to my student loan balance. I was also advised that LiveOps allowed no exclusions whatsover, regardless of type of debt. I was told that student loans, which are often categorized as "good debt" was no exception. LiveOps continues to make a considerable amount of money by enticing applicants to apply without full disclosure of their stringent requirements for the passing of their credit check. While they list the amount of allowable debt, they do not clarify what type of debt is considered/included within their calculations. There are countless online postings from potential applicants wanting to know if such debts as student loans and medical bills are considered by LiveOps. As no one seems to be providing these answers, these applicants simply take the same risk as I did by paying a $50.00 fee and then realize that they just gave $50.00 away to a company that lured them in, without giving them all the facts and literally stole their hard earned money. LiveOps has an obligation whether it is a legal or a moral one to offer full disclosure of what exactly is considered in their credit checks. They should not be allowed to continue to make a living off of their clueless applicants.