Sam N.'s review of Auto Aide Towing

Auto Aide Towing

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/12/2008
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Review 11/12/2008
I would avoid this company at all costs. Not only are you stuck in a vulnerable situation, needing roadside or other emergency assistance, but they want to take advantage of you, by charging you additional fees once your contracted service provider covers the basic. They charged an additional $10 to take ALL the cars passengers (there were 3 total) and an additional $8 credit card charge for a $9 3/10th of a mile over our contracted 17 mile service. When I called the dispatch to ask about the additional charges (and this was my first call to them, everything else was handled through my insurance company), I was told "I don't have time for your garbag you cheap bastard" and hung up on and then called back and told "come down to the office you bitch" and again hung up on...I was mordified with the outrageous charges, but the vulgarity of such a business owner (and this was the owner) is just flabergasting. I can't believe that there are not limits applied since this is such a crucial situation for many people. I've passed on my concerns to our emergency service provider, as I didn't pick this company, but will do anything and everything to make sure my complaint is everywhere anyone that would have to use them, might read.
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Hours   Phone   (951) 735-2180 Address   355 North Sheridan, Suite 105
Corona, CA 92882
Website   Email
Contact   Mike Safa Other  
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